Fast track your CQA preparation with our cram course.

Certification for Champions!

Let’s focus on systemic change ,better patient experience , productive teams, improved clinical outcomes and simply just more care.
Certification is an acknowledgement given to an individual or an organization, to demonstrate that one has met certain prescribed standards set by a governing body in a given field or profession. Certification serves as a distinction that sets individuals or organizations apart, indicating that they have acquired knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to competently perform in a particular field. Certification provides credibility and recognition for the individual or organization, which can help increase professional opportunities and distinguish oneself from others in the same field. It also provides assurance to clients or customers that the individual or organization is competent and operates with high ethical standards. This helps create confidence in the service or product provided and can lead to an increase in business. Overall, certification serves as a mark of distinction, indicating that an individual or organization has met certain defined standards of professionalism, knowledge, and skills set by an accredited governing body.
Promote a set of professional standards that dignifies the discipline of healthcare quality: Be clinically and socially relevant.
Make a difference in the academic status of quality professionals. Become a basic science in healthcare curriculums.
Provide a framework of strategic practices that enhance market value and ensures return on investment.
Make healthcare quality credentials accessible to maximum number of professionals and organisations.
CertQual will become the global gold standard in healthcare quality credentials.
CertQual will become an institutional asset for Indian Healthcare, by enabling the Paradigm- Shift in Healthcare Quality: from a 'Culture of Compliance' to a 'Culture of Inquiry'.
Chief Instructor

prakash dhanabal
Founder / CEO/ Chief Instructor
Prakash has twenty- five years of study and development in healthcare quality .
Prakash is on a mission to help 5000 Healthcare Professionals achieve World-Class Credentials, by July 2026, in order to lay the foundation for the Second-Curve of the Quality Revolution in India. Our agenda for change is to design and deliver a globally relevant yet locally useful evaluation curriculum , while remaining affordable at all cost.
Prakash is a Co-founder of the several non-profit initiatives ImprovementScience, Quallab, DirectorsForum, Codeomics, MaximumCare, CarePhil and the Institute for Healthcare Quality. All initiatives are innovative academic interventions in Healthcare Quality, that were stalled due to failure in raising adequate fiscal capital.
CertQual is a for-profit venture but without forsaking our long- standing commitment to social impact and nation building.
If your are someone who shares our enthusiasm for improving healthcare in developing countries please reach out at:

ISO 29993 [2017] Company.